Green Go-Go Smothie with Chia Pudding

Chia Pudding:

1 tbsp whole chia seeds

⅓ cup milk or non-dairy milk

½ tsp maple syrup

Dash of cinnamon



¾ cup Harvest Bay Original Coconut Water

½ cup Woodstock Frozen Spinach

½ cup Woodstock Frozen Kale

3-4 frozen broccoli florets

¼ green apple

¼ cup Woodstock Frozen Pineapple

¼ tsp ground ginger or ½ inch of fresh ginger root

Kiwis, other fresh fruit and granola for topping/decoration


Stir chia seeds with milk, maple syrup and cinnamon vigorously and let sit for 2+ hours in the fridge or let sit overnight for best results.  Scoop the chia pudding into the bottom of your smoothie glass.  Place thinly sliced kiwi on side of glass so they are sitting on top of chia pudding.  Add into your blender the frozen spinach, broccoli florets, green apple, frozen pineapple, ginger and coconut water and blend well.  Spoon in ½ of the blended smoothie mixture on top of the chia pudding.  Add the frozen kale to the remaining ½ of smoothie in your blender and blend well.  You should have a darker smoothie.  Spoon this into your glass and top with your choice of fresh fruit and granola.